Book a 30-minutes video session with me that also comes with full review of your dog's health. This option includes -
-a full 30-minutes video session with me (can be done via Zoom or Google Meet)
-full email support throughout the process
-a full review of your dog's blood work, thyroid, urinalysis and any other tests deemed important
-a detailed explanation and review in written form of all your dog's tests so you understand what's really going on with your dog's internal system - things often vets don't care to explain to dog owners
-my exact recommendations for your dog's health - this may include lifestyle and diet changes, some supplements to add and maybe some herbs
How Does This Work? - Once you pay, I will be in touch with you via email and we will schedule your session or if you just like email, then we will move forward with that only.
I will ask you few questions to get a better picture of what's going on with your dog and you will send me your dog's records so I can spend time reviewing them.
You will then get a full detailed email with my recommendations. You may then ask send in your questions and we will discuss the best possible options for your dog.